Thursday, November 5, 2015


This week is about mocks.

A few years ago I wrote a "mocker" tool for Liberty Eiffel.

In the case of pwd I need to mock actual classes from the library, where deferred methods (i.e. abstract features) are defined in one or more parent classes, with some implemented at different levels of the tree, and so on.

The "mocker" tool, with its simplistic approach (purely syntactical), was not up to the task.

So be it: I needed to write a new tool. One that could handle the whole semantics of an Eiffel class.

Liberty Eiffel already has similar tools; in particular, the "short" tool allows to display the complete interface of a class.

Lo and behold, the mock tool, now based on the Liberty Eiffel engine. It took me the whole week to write it.

But now that it works, I can come back to pwd and further my webclient tests.

The target is still acquired. Stay tuned.

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